Whistleblower Protection
What is the problem?
If anyone raises his voice against corruption, there is no agency that can provide effective and credible protection. The person can only approach the police. Police is usually subordinate to the same people who are corrupt. For example, in the event a local MP or MLA is harassing the public, police won’t do anything.
Proposal in Jan Lokpal Bill:
Lokpal, being an independent body, will have the responsibility and powers to provide protection from harm to the whistleblower and order investigation and prosecution in the case. In the event the concerned officer of Lokpal fails to provide adequate protection to the whistleblower, and the person is actually harmed, the concerned officer would face a criminal charge unless he has sufficient reason to prove his innocence.
A whistleblower will have the option to seek protection from the local vigilance officer or the chairperson or the members of Lokpal, who will be required to act within stipulated times depending on the severity of the threat. The person would have the right to seek an appointment with members of the Lokpal in person, on phone or through video conference if the whistleblower cannot practically come to the Lokpal building.
In case of mental harassment, Lokpal will provide necessary protection within a maximum period of one month from the date of launch of a complaint by the whistleblower.
In case of physical threat, Lokpal will provide necessary protection to the whistleblower within few hours and maximum within one week of the launch of complaint depending upon the urgency of the case. If physical harm has already happened then Lokpal will provide protection from further physical harm within 24 hours of the launch of complaint. Lokpal will also direct the police to register criminal case against the people who caused the physical harm to the whistleblower.
If false cases get filed by authorities against the whistleblower, Lokpal will ensure that such cases are withdrawn.
Reference From:-IAC Site
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